Spanish Activities and Tutoring


These advanced-level students can help you review lessons, answer questions and extend your conversation practice. It's free! Sponsored by the Student Academic Affairs Board.




María Laura Andrade Laso mandradelaso 101-301
Adriana Estrada aestrada All levels
Abigail Grewe agrewe 101-321
Kaitlin Sommerfeld ksommerfeld

All levels

Honoré Valcourt honorev 101-301
Roxana Vargas rvargas 101-301
Caterina Zischke-Rincon caterinaz 101-321
Jessica Meyerson jmeyerson 101-202

Please get in touch with the tutor yourself and make arrangements directly for when and where to meet. You are entitled to 2 hours per week free instruction as a student of Lewis and Clark College. Be aware that there is no tutoring during finals week. If you have any problems, please contact Prof. Matthieu Raillard or SAAB Tutoring.

WALK-IN TUTOR: Our walk-in tutor is Adriana Estrada. You can show up with no appointment necessary to get some last-minute help or to ask urgent questions. Adriana will be in the Miller 3rd floor lounge area on TUESDAYS from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and THURSDAYS from 11:30-1:00.

SPANISH LANGUAGE ASSISTANT Cristina Tolón, from Sevilla, Spain, has regular office hours, and leads our Mesa de Español. Stop by to chat or to get help with your Spanish (Miller 316, <>).


All students of Spanish are encouraged to join the Spanish Conversation Tables. Come talk with our Spanish language assistant Cristina Tolón Rodríguez and other students -- very informal, no set topics, and NO preparation required!!

Mondays 11:30 p.m @ the Bon

Most Thursdays @ 5:00 at Maggie's
(get on the mailing list for announcements of other activities


Films in Spanish

Everyone is invited to come see current and classic Spanish-language films from Spain and Latin America. They are shown every other week, time and place TBA (announcements via email). Shown with subtitles -- bring your friends!

Club de Español

Spanish Club is a great place to use your Spanish and have fun! Activities are usually scheduled every other week, although the schedule may vary. Contact Cristina <> to get on the list for announcements: the annual Noche de Juegos en Español, outings to restaurants and concerts, the Fiesta de Salsa, International Fair, cooking in Platt East and more.